I’ve been unexpectedly reminded of something over the last months. In more than a few ways it makes me wish I wasn’t an overly intellectual person, that instead I was one of the Simple - those who are blessed to know and experience the love of Jesus with no strings attached. Content with ongoing experience of the love of God the Simple have little need for intellectual understanding or deep theology. Parsing Greek and Hebrew verbs or being able to “Defend The Faith” with cogent quotes from Augustine or Kierkegaard isn't the point. Knowing Jesus is God and experiencing His love for them is enough.
God is Love. If He IS Love then wouldn’t it make sense that we, His adopted kids, would regularly experience His Love since that is who He is? If love is only something God does, then I could understand it being an ebb and flow experience because perhaps He just isn’t expressing love today. But Love is who He is. It’s why the Trinity is essential. If the Father, Son and Spirit didn’t have one another to love, then God would not be capable of loving us. But because He has all three of himself to love, His very nature is love. God the Father, Son and Spirit can’t help Himself. He’s a compulsive lover!
So where is the disconnect? Wouldn’t it make sense that as we kids go to church and do ministry and everything else, we would feel loved by Him? But so often as I do these things I feel completely cut off from Him and all the things I do becomes such poppycock, blathering and heartless ranting.
Then it occurs to me. Jesus isn’t interested in what we do for Him nearly so much as He is interested in being with us. I think this is why the Simple understand so much more of God than I do. They are content to enjoy being with Jesus where so often I get caught up in trying to understand and do for Jesus.
A few weeks ago it was my turn in our rotation to speak at Chi Alpha. It just happened to be in the middle of a series about the Grace of God. So all of a sudden I find myself researching Grace. Since I can't hardly have a thought without following all the dominoes as far as they'll go, I ended up starting in Genesis 1:1 and ending with Revelation 22:21. We talked our way through creation and the fall of Adam and Eve and on to Jesus and why he came to earth. In the middle I realized something I've known for a long time but haven't always experienced.
God is in a good mood. Like a good friend in a brawl, he has our back. He's watching out for us. The image of Him as a loving father is so broken in our society because there are so few loving fathers but it still fits. If a father who truly loves his kid is rejected by his kid, that doesn't nullify the love the father has for his kid, and the father will probably do what he can to restore their relationship. The kid isn't interested but the father is, so the father does the work the kid wont do so that there is a way for the kid to come home if he wants to.
That is Jesus. And that is grace.
So it occurs to me that this God who has loved Himself for all eternity compulsively shares that love with you and I because He can't help Himself. And he does it all the time even when we don't know it. But if we choose to allow Him to love us, to accept His grace, then everything changes. All that we do for God no longer is an effort to earn His approval or His love. Instead because we are loved and accepted, we begin to do things for God as a natural outflow of being loved and accepted.
Matthew 9:13 But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
And this is Grace. That God has accepted you and I exactly where we are, with our cheese determined to fall off our cracker and all He wants is you and I exactly as we are; that we would let Him love us.
And that, it turns out, is everything.
Out of the ashes...
11 years ago
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